April 30, 2020
From Dead-end to President to World Changer
Tagged With Bachelors Degrees Student Stories

Tyler Lemon has an eye for detail and is not one to let obstacles stand in his way.
That’s why our world-class online business degrees were perfect for him; they found him at a dead-end and launched him into starting a business of his own.
A dead-end
Tyler was working in the orthopedic manufacturing industry when he reached a dead-end. He was a hard worker, a loyal employee, and a go-getter, but he noticed that he wasn’t getting promoted like those around him. So, Tyler started asking questions. He soon realized that in order to be promoted, he needed a bachelor’s degree. So the search began.
Finding a fit
Tyler needed a degree completion program in business administration. He needed a program that was flexible and that would accept the credits he had earned for his associates. Tyler’s search led him straight to Grace’s business administration degree completion program. Grace allowed him to bring in all of his credits from his associate’s degree. This saved him time and money and allowed him to focus on his core classes. He completed his bachelor’s degree in 2018.
Let’s add an MBA
But that wasn’t the end for Tyler. His experience with Grace online was so beneficial, he decided to stick around for one more degree. After he conferred his bachelor’s degree, he immediately began to pursue his Master’s of Business Administration at Grace. Tyler will officially graduate this August, MBA in hand.
Call him president
Tyler is now president and founder of Orthopedic Validation Experts, LLC. where his company comes alongside their clients to validate the manufacturing process to comply with industry requirements. “I would never have been able to start my own business, the way I did, if it wasn’t for the education I earned from Grace College.” Grace channeled Tyler’s drive for excellence and launched him forward to start his own company with confidence.
From dead-end to president.
This is the way of Grace — but Tyler’s story didn’t stop there.
An Opportunity of a Lifetime
Recently, Tyler was offered an opportunity that blew his wildest dreams — an opportunity where Tyler’s experiences and knowledge met the world’s most pressing needs. Tyler was recruited and hired by ALKU, a pharmaceutical consultancy agency in Bryan, Texas, to serve as a validation engineer for equipment that will manufacture vaccines for COVID-19.
“There are 31 pieces of equipment that will need to be validated. The objective is to ensure that the manufacturing process equipment can be statistically proven capable of producing finished good products,” Tyler explained. His job is to ensure the safety, functionality, integrity, and accuracy of all 31 machines.
Let us be the first to say, Tyler Lemon has proven time and time again that he has an eye for detail and is not one to let obstacles stand in his way. We know he is prepared for the task!
Do you find yourself in a dead-end like Tyler? We have a way forward for you. Whether you are halfway through a degree or have never taken a single college class, Grace’s online degrees are designed with you in mind. Explore your options here!