March 30, 2021
Find Careers in Ministry at Grace College
Tagged With Christian Online College Ministry

A follower of Christ can give glory to God and serve Him in virtually any career choice. Of course, there are a number of ministry careers that make a more direct connection. Careers in ministry, as well as careers in education and counseling, lend themselves to serving and loving people, providing clear opportunities to show others the love of God. An online degree in ministry studies at Grace College opens up a variety of careers in ministry for you to explore.
And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ…
Ephesians 4:11-12 (NKJV)
Types of Careers in Ministry
Clergy members are responsible for shepherding the flock of God as overseers until the Chief Shepherd returns (1 Peter 5:4). Pastors, preachers, and related titles assume a number of important functions within the church including providing spiritual leadership; administering care and counseling; performing weddings, baptisms, and funerals; and conducting other managerial and leadership responsibilities.
Clergy members earn a mean annual wage of $55,190, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). A bachelor’s or master’s degree in ministry is preferred for this job.
Ministry Directors
Ministry directors serve in leadership roles at churches. Often, they oversee a certain ministry at the church. For instance, common titles include director of worship or director of children’s ministry. These individuals have direct leadership responsibilities that are linked to the spiritual development of people at a church.
Religious activities and education directors earn a mean annual wage of $50,490, according to the BLS. Having a bachelor’s and master’s in ministry studies will help prepare you for this career!
Christian missionaries make disciples and followers of Christ. They follow the Great Commission, Christ’s command to: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Mathew 28:19-20).
Missionaries share the Gospel with others, build communities and churches, lead Bible studies, and proclaim the truth of Christ in many other ways. Missions can occur internationally or domestically; some even in a missionary’s own community. While the location and specific ministries that missionaries may engage in can change, the focus is still the same.
Although anyone can be a missionary, having an education in ministry may be the preparation God has for you before you go into these careers in ministry.
Other Ministry Careers
Church administration positions guide and direct the critical functions that help churches meet their long-term goals. These positions can look considerably different from church to church. A small church may only have one church administrator who is responsible for certain programs and ministries. But at a larger church, individuals may be in charge of specific areas, such as finance, communications, or HR.
To go into church administration, you will probably need at least a bachelor’s degree.
Christian counseling integrates religious and spiritual aspects that are absent from traditional psychotherapy and other approaches. For issues like anxiety, stress, depression, and trauma, Christian counselors maintain a psychological understanding of mental illness but draw upon a Christian understanding of grace and sin. Christian counselors typically work in Christian mental health clinics but are fully trained to work in secular environments. A faith-based online master’s degree in mental health counseling can lead to work in Christian and secular counseling environments.
Mental health counselors earn a mean annual wage of $46,050, according to the BLS.
Teachers who work in faith-based schools educate students while integrating biblical principles into curricula. Education in these environments incorporates spiritual development and a focus on truth in Christ.
In private schools, elementary and secondary teachers earn a median annual wage of $48,100, according to the BLS. If this is one of the careers in ministry that sparks your interest, check out our master’s in higher education.
Answering the Call to Serve
An online master’s in ministry studies at Grace College Online will prepare you for serving in a wide variety of careers in ministry. Our online master’s degree is taught with a biblical worldview and will help you make workable connections between service and leadership. If you haven’t finished your bachelor’s degree, consider our online bachelor’s in ministry leadership. This program is a great place to start if you’re eager to jump into vocational ministry.